Carrières des Lumières
Les baux de Provence


Travel across time and space to Ancient Egypt, all without leaving Provence! The new immersive exhibition at Carrières des Lumières offers a unique opportunity to discover the treasures of the Pharaohs. « L’Egypte des Pharaons, de Khéops à Ramsès II » presents all of the biggest archaeological discoveries. Next, you’ll take a trip along the Nile, find out more about everyday life in Ancient Egypt, and view the construction of the pyramids. Along the way, you’ll discover statues and monumental sculptures of the Egyptian greats, sumptuous jewellery, temples and tombs… Immerse yourselves in the wonders of the Ancient World. Our second immersive exhibition is devoted to the Orientalists, featuring great names of the 19th Century art world such as Delacroix, Ingres, Gérôme, Constant, Frère, Vernet, Guillaumet, Belly, Richter and Dinet. Through their paintings, dive into a mysterious, almost mythical East, a dreamlike land of souks, casbahs, oases and hammams...

Carrières des lumières 

Les baux de Provence 

When the underground limestone quarries at Les Baux de Provence closed in 1935, no-one could have predicted what they would become. In 2012, the site re-opened as the Carrières des Lumières (Quarries of Light), an arts venue for immersive exhibitions. The immense walls of the quarries provide around 7000 m² of flat space, perfect for projecting artworks and digital creations. Many of the greatest names in art history have already featured on the exhibition programme: Monet, Renoir, Chagall, Michaelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphaël, Klimt, Vermeer and Van Gogh, to cite just a few. The Carrières de Lumières are fitted out with around a hundred projectors, creating a veritable explosion of colours and shapes, all set to music for a unique and unforgettable result. The playful, multi-sensory experience has something for everyone, young and old, making the Carrières the perfect venue for a family outing. And if the Provençal sun is shining a little too bright, note that the quarries stay cool all year round: a steady 14 – 16°C or around 60° F in the main hall. Natural air conditioning!

Les Carrières des Lumières
Les Carrières des Lumières
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